Sunday, January 21, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Finally! We got snow! About 3 1/2 - 4 inches of beautiful soft, white, fluffy snow! So just after breakfast we all bundled up and went out to play! We've got the best driveway for sledding too! It was a little too deep at first and the sleds were more like snow scoops, but once we packed it down some, you could really catch some speed! I think Tony and I had more fun than the kids! They were much more involved with building their snowman and making snow angels! So, I thought I'd share a few picks..... Enjoy!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Dozen Quick Fixes or Short-Cuts for Preparing a Home For Sale

by: HomeStaging by Cynthia, Inc.

Crusty stove burner plates.
FIX: Replacements are cheap and look good for showings; keep the old crusty ones to switch out before cooking.

Worn out cabinet hardware.
FIX: If replacing the kitchen hardware, keep the less-worn hardware and switch them out with worn bathroom hardware.

Dingy bathroom floor tile grout.
FIX: Use a scrub brush and Comet—it’ll look like new again!

Stained shower floor.
FIX: After taking a scrub brush and Comet to it, tape the drain closed, add an inch or two of water, add a bit of bleach and swish then let stand a couple of hours.

The dog’s nose prints and a toddler’s hand prints on the front storm door glass.
FIX: Keep the door closed.

Dusty silk trees and greenery.
FIX: Take it outside, aim the leaf blower on it and power on!

Nowhere to quickly stash things before a showing.
FIX: Empty a kitchen drawer or cabinet shelf for daily items.

Wet towels hanging everywhere.
FIX: Hang decorative towels, don’t use them, then toss wet towels into the dryer before leaving for work (if everyone uses a different color towel it’s easier to identify them later).

In the process of getting rid of things.
FIX: Use your car trunk to store items that will be taken to charity.

Keeping up with a clean house for showings.
FIX: Everyone use one shower, preferably one with a shower curtain (you don’t have to squeegee a shower curtain).

You’re dashing out the door for a scheduled buyer tour and discover your child has pulled every toy onto the floor.
FIX: Store many toys behind a closed door or up high where you decide when it comes out for play.

Smudges on the wall paint.
FIX: While Mister Clean Magic Eraser can be a miracle-worker, it can also take off the paint. Apply a little Baking Soda with a wet white cloth and gently…gently… rub off the smudge. Don’t forget to rinse away the powdery residue!

Meanwhile, keep telling yourself, “This will all be over soon… this will all be over soon…”

Let me know how I can make your life easier—I can stage existing furnishings, provide a consult with detailed notes, and/or provide rented furniture/accessories!

Cynthia Black (aka “The House Whisperer”)
HomeStaging by Cynthia, Inc.

“Over 2,500 Homes Staged!”

* * *

“Because the Way We Live in our Home is Different From the Way We Sell our Home.”

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My life in the new year- 2007!

Hi! It's me. I'm still alive and kicking. Just busy with a busy new year. No real resolutions though. I thought about some, but since they're so hard to keep it's really more of a let down than something refreshing and motivating.... I did hear that you really have until the 10th though to decide if you're really going to make any or keep them too for that matter. So, no real announcements till then either. That way you know deep if you're really committed. You know- are you the chicken or the pig? Anyway....

Real Estate is rocking! I think it's going to be a great spring to start a FANTASTIC new year! I'm currently working on my first "short sale" in Real Estate. Not exactly the most fun sale ever, but if it can help keep my sellers out of foreclosure, I'll do them all day long. It's just a slow and tedious process, frustrating and costly at times, but hopefully in the end it will also generate a paycheck! Like I said though, it does help eliminate a complete foreclosure, so it's a win-win-win situation. So be sure to tell your friends and your family and anyone else who might know someone who needs to beat a foreclosure before it's too late, it doesn't have to happen!

Ok, now for my big news... No I'm not pregnant! My reason for my lack of posts so to say.... I've been involved in several new projects, most of them Real Estate related or with knitting or even keeping up with my dad's books, but this one that will give back in more ways than imaginable. I've joined a new group, NAWS, it's the Northland Animal Welfare Society. We're brand new and dedicated to helping animals in the Kansas City Northland. I've been working on creating our website, so please take a minute and check it out and let me know what you think! I'd appreciate any and all of your support, comments and feedback!

Thanks so much and have a Happy New Year!