Thursday, April 10, 2008

Seven Inches

Yup! We cut seven inches of hair off. And she LOVES it! I was really nervous about doing it, but this little sweathog just couldn't go on any longer. The battles of combing it, washing it, drying it and brushing it, just weren't the hassle any longer. And to think that she'd let me pull it up or put any pretties in her hair were completely out of the question! It's really growing on me now too and to see that cute little round face, those beautiful eyes and that gorgeous bright smile, it makes it all worth while! And I know we're all going to just love it that much more this summer too! And yes, I know, only 3 more inches and we could have donated her hair to Locks of Love........ but there was just NO WAY we would have made it that much longer! :O) Maybe next time?!

Monday, April 07, 2008

My Soccer Star

We finally started the realm of sports this month, with Anthony signed up for SPCAA soccer! We've had two "official" games- one "unofficial" as his coach never even showed up! He really seams to be enjoying it and having a good time learning to kick, dribble and pass! Now if we could get his hands out of his pockets and maybe a little less skipping on the field, I think he'll go far! He's number 5 by the way!