Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Getting Organized

From the Lowe's "News You Can Use" newsletter. Studies say that getting organized is one of the top resolutions that people make, along with exercising more, getting out of debt and spending more time with family. I could definitely benefit from all three, but I think if I focus on getting organized, it will help create the time for the others to fall in place as well. Especially when I think about the upcoming events in our household and the 101 virtual tours that people have ordered from me recently, my booming real estate business, dad's bookkeeping, and balancing the daily household and two active kids too boot! On top of that, we've decided to host a small Super Bowl party on Sunday, Bunco the following Sunday, Anthony's birthday on Valentine's Day with a party at school and parent teacher conferences that afternoon and a trip to Iowa for a pool party celebration that weekend!! I'm sure you're probably just as busy and I hope we can all truly benefit with some of these great tips and ideas! And when better to get started then today? Just click on the following link to see what it's all about!

And as my way of saying "Thanks" and with my partnership with Lowe's Realtor program I can save you 5% on your gift card purchases, so email me now and let me know what you need!

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