Sunday, April 22, 2007

Walk & Wag

Saturday was Gladstone's 7th Annual Walk & Wag in the park. All proceeds benefit the Gladstone Animal Shelter and of course, as a member of NAWS (Northland Animal Welfare Society) an animal lover and as a dog owner, we just had to attend. Completely in typical Karisma fashion- we were not exactly early... Now don't get me wrong- we were there in plenty of time to register and to enjoy the walk- we just didn't get there early to participate in the doggie games. As if Clifford would be up for doggie obstacle courses and bobbing for biscuits?! He's more likely to roll over and play dead for it. :O) Anyway, it was just enough for the kids with a little time left over to play too! Beautiful weather helped make for a great day for all! (Pix to come when the computer decides to cooperate...)

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Yesterday (Saturday, it took 2 days to get the pictures to load!) marks the day for the Olson Family 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt! What a great time we had! We hid about 1300 plastic filled eggs on the bunny trails around the home, split up the big kids (5+) and the little kids and set them loose! I think everyone had a blast and I don't know how many times I heard, "I've never seen so many eggs!" One little boy came up to me afterwards and said he found "ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE EGGS" and he had just the biggest smile you ever did see! I think had the weather been a little better- considering I think it was only in the 30s, we would have had an even bigger turnout! I couldn't even tell you how many people were here- there were kids and parents everywhere! Plans are already in the works for how we can make improvements and make it even bigger and better for next year and the years to come, so don't worry if you couldn't make it or weren't invited this time.... I think next year, we may even sell T-shirts! Ha ha ha. You just never know!