Our house is on the market!
So, not only are we experiencing the buying side of Real Estate, for the first time ever, we also get to be sellers. However, I don't recommend going about this our way necessarily- always better to have your house at least on the market first and preferrably under contract before finding another. Anyway, this part has got to be the worst part of it. Not just getting it all ready, renting a storage unit for all our crap (to be so blunt), replacing carpet, painting and just trying to get it just as spic and span as possible and now having to keep it pristine and perfect all the time- just in case. Just in case someone wants to call at a moments notice to see or show your house. And then to hear nothing in response afterward. That really sucks! You wait on pins and needles for a showing, then finally you get the call, if possible run the vacuum, burn a candle, put out fresh cookies, wash the windows, open the blinds, put on some music and then nothing?! What's up with that? I'd rather they told me that my house sucked then to say nothing at all. But in the back of my mind, I'm just sure they're busy running their finances and working diligently with their agent to make an offer!
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