Anthony's First Day of Kindergarten!!

Oh my goodness! What an exciting day it was for not only Anthony, but the whole family! Anthony started his first day of kindergarten today at Martin Luther Academy! He was perfect! I don't know who was more excited, him or me?! I even had a hard time sleeping, checking the clock every hour to see if it was time to get up!! Too funny. I wonder how he slept! And then at 6:30am, I heard him yell from his room, "Mommy, get up now!" I knew he couldn't wait!! So, we got ready for school and ate breakfast and loaded up the van and we all took him to school this morning and started the day at "Chapel." What a great way to start a new year and a new school! I couldn't feel better or more sure about our decision!! And Anthony's teachers are all so wonderful too. Hard to believe that I think Bella had the hardest time with this transition than anyone. She wasn't sure about us leaving him there and especially NOT all day!! And then she was adamit (sp?) that she was NOT going to go back to Olivia's House to school then either. Oh boy! Fortunately, she was over it once we started our "special day" together today with a movie, lunch with daddy and pedicures!! Such the princess! The teary part for me was picking him up from school today and sitting in the pick up lane waiting for the students to be individually taken to their car by their teachers and seeing my baby standing there with his back pack, next to his teacher, all grown up and waiting. He looked so big! And that's when it hit..... and then, before I had a chance to get to emotional he got in the car and before he could even tell me about his day, asked for a drink, downed a bottle of water and then quickly corrected the fact that I did not include a drink for him for snack time! And as soon as we got home, it was more like, what's there to eat, I'm starving! And I knew my baby was back!! It was just like his first few days/months at preschool... that boy came home STARVING! I had to learn quick to have dinner on the table when he walked through the door! And then tonight, I think he was even excited to go to bed so that he could wake up and do it all again! I think it's going to be a great year and I can't wait to share it all with him!
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