What a great day we had today out at Powell Gardens for the Jurassic Garden exhibit! The kids had a blast searching for all the dinosaurs, walking across the trails, hoping across the streams, digging for fossil, playing in the sand and making sand angels too! We also got to see a local performer: Dino O'Dell and Dr. Rock! They were fun to sing along and dance with too!
It has been such an amazing and FAST summer so far this year! I can't believe how fast time flies!! And the past 3 weeks have just been a whirlwind in it all. First we had "summer camp" with the kids out at Schlagle Library at Wyandotte County Lake. It was great fun with a theme all about Water. The kids got to make crafts, read stories and do experiments all relating to water and nature. Then we traveled up to Iowa, so the big kids (the parents) could play at a Rock Concert~ Waterstock, all day. I know we had a blast and I'm pretty sure the kids had fun with their cousins too! Then they stayed up there the week of the fourth for "Cousin Camp" and fireworks! I think Nana and Papa had activities planned for everyday of the week!! They came home with beautiful wooden painted flowers, birdhouses and ducks too! Then this past week was Vacation Bible School at Avalanche Ranch!! Boy did they have fun there! They're still singing and dancing and doing all the moves! It was really a wonderful experience for all of us and they're already talking about going again next year too!!
And in the midst of all of this, we decided to take the bull by the horns and go and visit the local Lutheren school here too. We were so impressed with the principal, Mr. Karsten and our tour that we decided right then and there that this is the experience we want for Anthony. Not only is it a Christ centered education teaching morals, ethics and discipline, but it's more of a community feel, with total parent/teacher involvement and interaction the way I always thought it should be. And instead of teaching to the middle of the road, or keeping "on pace," they will teach to your child's ability and advance at their pace! I'm so excited about this decision and can't wait to meet the other parents of kindergarteners at our first "social" next weekend!
My work has been keeping me busy and running around like a chicken with my head cut off lately..... Especially with the virtual tours!! I'm loving that! I think just in the past two weeks alone, I've done nearly a dozen or more tours! Plus there's my own Real Estate business that's been moving right along and I'm still doing the books for dad! Unfortunately, however, just when I thought things were going to start picking up with my Big Yellow Box business, we received notice this week, that they've decided to close the doors....... :O( I am thankful for the opportunity however and am still a true believer in their products and what they stand behind. Bringing families together is absolutely more important now than ever before and I can only hope that they decide to go forward with this line and hopeful at least find a place for it along the side of Crayola in their stores and online as well.
Hopefully that will catch you up, if not just briefly, but at least for the time being. Stay tuned for more as things may slow down a bit and enable just a post or two more from time to time! :O)
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