From "House Notes" Newsletter from The Inspection Company, LLC, February 2007, Volume 3 Issue 2.
1. Poor Drainage; Improper drainage can lead to water intrusion in the basement of homes and even severely compromise foundations.
2. Failing or aging heating and cooling systems; Older heating and cooling systems require maintenance and may be energy inefficient. There is also the risk that they can emit dangerous carbon monoxide fumes that are harmful to the family.
3. Environmental hazards; Older homes may contain lead-based paint, high levels of carbon monoxide, radon, toxic molds, and even asbestos.
4. Inadequate ventilation; This occurs when moisture accumulates in homes which damages interior walls and structural elements.
5. Improper Maintenance; Taking poor care of your household appliances can create consequesnces. Simple actions like cleaning out the lint trap in the clothes dryer can help prevent a fire.
6. Plumbing problems; The pipes under your sink can be made of incompatible materials that lead to dripping faucets, leaking fixtures, and slow drains.
7. Roof problems; The roof of your home may contain old or damaged shingles and improper flashing due to rain. The overall structure of the roof may be affected because of improperly installed collar ties and ridge beam supports.
8. No permit; Many homes do not have permits for finished basements, deck additions, hot tub, and pool additions. This can lead to unnecessary fines when putting the house up for sale.
9. Electrical safety issues; A home with an out-of-date or insufficient electrical system can lead to fires and electrical shock. Examples of other electrical safety hazards are ungrounded outlets, lack of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI), aluminum wiring, and faulty wiring conditions in electrical panels or elsewhere in a building. These are potentially hazardous defects and not to be taken lightly.
10. Rotted wood; Wood placed around areas that are frequently wet can begin to rot. Wood around bathtubs, showers, and toilets are espcially defective. The exterior of the home, including the outside trim of the house, decks, and roof eaves, should also be checked regularly for signs of rotting.
Check these areas of the home often to prevent damage and provide repairs when needed. The above suggestions may require professional assistance to ensure proper installation.