29 Days Of Giving
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Goodbye Scott...
Holiday Preparations....

More Extreme Lights
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like CHRISTmas!

Waukomis Drive- South of 68th Street (plus 3 close-ups)

Ok, so did I pick a great time to decide to wanna do a Holiday Lights Tour or what?! I swear, as soon as I sent my emails and made my post, we entered into a winter twilight zone?! The ice storm fortunately wasn't nearly as bad as they had predicted was actually quite a beautiful scene. However, it did make for quite the catastophic event just North of us in St. Joseph, MO and shut things down for a while here too. At least we never lost power here (at my house) and we kept busy with plenty to do around the house too! We made our gifts for the grandparents and teachers (at least we started them) and some cookie dough and crafts too..... Hopefully this weekend we can even finish what we started!?
Anyway.... we finally made it out of the house yesterday, for Anthony's Christmas Musical dress rehearsal and tried to get some pictures of a couple of Extreme Lights ~only to find out that those pictures are a little harder to take than one might think!! Of course, a few obstacles like busy roads and kids in the backseat of the minivan always help! And the snow coming down and wanting to get in the shot was a little distracting too for some reason! But still, you get the jist....
Enjoy and keep the stories and locations coming!! I will do my best to get out and about and shoot what I can.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Northlands Extreme Tacky Lights Tour
I'd just love to get something like this started here in the Kansas City Northland area. I know I have always enjoyed driving around and looking at the lights and now especially in sharing this time with the kids and to see the wonder in their eyes as they see them too. But how much more fun would it be to actually track these amazing homes that really go all out and to route it and show them off?! I think it'll be great and I can't wait to see all the entries come pouring in! So, send me your stories, your interviews, your pictures and addresses too so that we can create our own Northland Extreme Lights Tour....... it'll be fun!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Make Your Home Your Castle
Now is a great time to spruce up your interior, when the cold weather encourages all of us to spend more time inside. Take advantage of these great decorating tips, just in time for the holidays!
And as my way of saying "Thanks" and with my partnership with Lowe's Realtor program I can save you 5% on your gift card purchases, so email me now and let me know what you need! karisma@reeceandnichols.com
Turkey Trivia Answers and Story
1) d
2) c
3) d
4) a-yes
5) a- yes they can, but technically the answer is c.
6) b
7) d
8) a
9) c
10) b
11) d
12) a
13) b
14) c
15) c
Our Mad Lib story:
Friday, November 23, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Panoramic Sign Riders

Our Halloween Bash!

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Halloween Madness...
Ok, so what else is there really? Well, I've been "making" signs to hang in the woods, around the house, just anywhere we decide to hang them really... and working on what we're going to do for ghosts in the trees, maybe even a pinata?! I bought those punch ball balloons and thought we'd just put some white sheets over them and hang them from the trees, but of course the kids thought it'd be more fun to blow them all up and start punching them- and within a day or two, they've lost their air- so when do I hang them, really? The other thought is to use one or two to paper mache and turn into a ghost pinata- but don't hold your breath on that one as I haven't started that project yet! And I still have to seriously deep clean the house, at least dust and scrub the toilets for Pete's Sake! It probably wouldn't hurt to vacuum too.... But first you have to pick up enough to find the things to dust and the floor to vacuum, and then hope that it will stay picked up at least until the party. So many things to do, but the timing has to be just right or else I'll have to do it all over again and that would be just plain silly!! Oh, I did I mention the 9 pumpkins I'm going to carve?! I'm excited about that, but again.... if we do it too early, they'll rot and won't be any good by Saturday.... it's all in the timing! And who says we can't participate in the carving contest?! Bummer!!
As it stands right now, I think we're around 50 positive RSVP's!! Who would have thought?! Now I've got to figure out where to put everyone, schedule the events, organize the partylines- yes, Pampered Chef, Premeir Designs and Simply Fun will all be represented and making deals, and figure out what we need and how to display it all!! And don't forget the food!! I've asked everyone to bring a side dish- we're going to serve brats and dogs and I've started stocking up on some drinks.... we even made our own fun water bottle labels for the event! And of course to promote my Real Estate habit!! Do you think 72 bottles of water on the wall will be enough?!
I hope that gives you just a glimpse into my reality for the moment and will try to keep you updated as the week goes by.... sorry no pictures today as I'm at an Open House and forgot my camera too. Fortunately, you can see- there's always something to do!! :O)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
October- A Month of Parties!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Backyard Visitors

Of course, the doe momma wasn't quite as pleased with his visit! She put him in his place and made sure he kept his distance so she and he two fawns could come and chow down on the corn we put out! It's so nice to share our dinners together as we can see them from our table!!

This cute little guy came by yesterday. With all the rain we had, Tony thinks maybe his den got flooded. Poor guy was out in broad daylight, very unusual for our nocturnal little friends. He was scavengering right along, until I just had to grab the camera and go right out- that startled him a little so he scurried right up the tree! Boy those guys sure can climb!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Family Weekend!

Over the summer, at "cousin camp" Anthony mastered the tree climbing, so of course he just couldn't resist showing off just a little bit!!
Tree hugger alert! Although she can't quite get up there all herself, she sure does love being up in the trees with her big brother!! I'm sure she's thinking, "anything he can do, I can do better..." or at least cuter!

Anthony and Jonah got in this Big Truck, while Anthony motioned to his sister to get in back! She drove the Big Blue Truck right on their tail the whole time!

Sunday, September 16, 2007
A Little OCD...
September 2006
Volume 2
Issue 9
A Newsletter from your friends at The Inspection Company
"You Can Avoid Over Thinking, Brooding"
Humans are the only species prone to over thinking, say psychologists at Ohio State University. They can fall into "mental pothol.es," and that's not harmless. New studies show taht those who ruminate have higher blood pressure and heart rates, less effective immune systems, higher stress levels, and more depression.
Over thinking os often caused by trying to solve problems or get over life's traumas say researchers at Temple University. Sometimes, however, the best answer to a problem has not become available or clear. Constantly thinking about it does no good.
*A better idea is to settle on a time when you will consider it again and decide not to think about it until then.
*Putting your true feelings about a situation down on paper helps to determine what your feelings are, which can be very helpful.
* Avoid discussing the problem over and over with friends who will sympathize with you. Talk to people who can suggest solutions.
* Meditate or pray fequently when you are besieged by overthinking.
* Work on trying to understand adn forgive someone who wronged you.
* Consider whether your expectations in this situation were unrealistic and whether they still are.
Doctors at Purdue University say "worrywarts" don't let things roll off their backs. They cope poorly and may be anxious or depressed.
And now for my editiorial...
It was just too appropriate when I first read this article on Tuesday and nothing seemed to be going my way that day... it just seemed that I was moving in "reverse..." You know one of those days when you're running just slightly late, but seem to be moving along anyway and then you realize that you've got to back track for one reason or another then you get a phone call and have to switch gears and reroute, only to find out later - that there really was an easier way- a way around what you did only to receive one of those phone calls of critisism that is not exactly taken constructively, but more so as a stab at the heart personally attacking everything you thought you knew.... that was my day.... it was just too fitting. I took the advice, talked to a friend with solutions (not exactly the solutions I wanted to hear, but at least options....), I decided not to focus on it and instead to take a brain break and to surf the web and de-think! It really worked! Of course a little one on one with God is always a winner and lately I find my son's new favorite song stuck in my head day in and day out serving as a constant reminder from Jeremiah 29:11, "I know, I know, I know, I know the plans God has for you, declared the Lord...plans to prosper, not to harm you, for hope and a future!" I know that may not be exactly as quoted from the bible, but that's just as it is imbedded in my brain after hearing my 5 1/2 year old sing it over and over again with a happy heart! And people ask me all the time if I ever have any second thoughts, concerns or regrets about sending him to this school, versus public?! NOT A ONE! We absolutely love it and couldn't imagine anything better at this time! And still in line with my story above and in a round about way.... When visiting in Iowa for family weekend this weekend, his Aunt Tam was asking him what he was learning in Kindergarten and he was telling her all about Joseph and his colorful coat, his 11 brothers and the story that follows..... it was amazing how much he could recall, relate and retell- I'm thinking Tam's familiarity with the story and knowing the right questions to ask really helped too. It lead to his personal sermon today from his Uncle, Pastor Jim and stemming from that bible story and how Joseph forgave his brothers and God blessed him for his forgiveness. Again, instead of brooding over our issues and those who have wronged us, instead forgiving them and allowing God to bless us can not only take a tremendous weight off your shoulders, but can provide an internal peace that we desire.
Thanks for listening to my 2c.
Stay tuned for more stories and pictures from the weekend, coming soon....
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Labor Day Weekend

Monday, August 27, 2007
News You Can Use... Foreclosure Crisis
As the foreclosure rates peak to what seems to be an all time high, they are trending 30% greater than last year alone- with an expectation of 1,000,000 homes facing foreclosure. Tips to help avoid foreclosure and scams:
1. Contact your lender as soon as you have a problem paying. Most of them want to help you keep your house!
2. Respond to all mail from your lender. Early letters often include options that let you avoid foreclosure, while later ones are legal notices.
3. Know your rights. Read your loan papers and find out about foreclosure laws in your state.
4. Prioritize your spending. After health care, keeping your home should be your top priority, over and above all other debts.
5. Avoid foreclosure-prevention companies and scams. You don't have to pay fees for foreclosure help. Don't sign a document from somehone claiming to stop a foreclosure. In a scam called "equity skimming," a "buyer" offers to repay the mortgage if you sign over your deed and move out. You're left with the debt and no house.
6. Get help from HUD. The Department of Housing and Urban Development offers free or low-cost counselors (call 1-800-569-4287 to find one) and informaiton on avoiding foreclosure at http://www.fha.gov/.